Judge to Decide Whether to Dismiss Pfizer Clinical Trials Whistleblower Case Charging “Failure to Report Participant Deaths” and “Fabrication” of Data, or Move to Discovery

Above image: COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally, Los Angeles, June 2022

Independent journalist Kyle Becker, formerly a producer and writer at Fox News and former Chief Editor of Bizpac Review, reports that what so far may be the single best chance for the public to uncover clinical trials fraud in the development of Pfizer’s COVID vaccine is now in the hands of a judge. The case is important, because although COVID vaccine manufacturers enjoy unprecedented immunity from lawsuits for products sold under FDA Emergency Use Authorization, such immunity is null and void as soon as fraud is proven.

The plaintiff, whistleblower Brook Jackson, who worked for Pfizer Phase III clinical trials subcontractor Ventavia, filed opposition to motions to dismiss on October 27, 2022 in US District Court for the Eastern District of Texas

[Document: Brook Jackson vs. Ventavia Research Group et al, Case No.: 1:21-CV-00008-MJT ]

[ Brook Jackson Lawsuit……Exhibits ]

Early in the ongoing process of suing the companies, which began in January of 2021, Ventavia attempted to claim that Jackson had never worked on the clinical trials she was criticizing. But the British Medical Journal investigated and wrote:

“Ventavia has claimed that its former employee Jackson did not work on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine clinical trial. This claim is not true. Jackson has contacted media organizations that have published these false allegations, sharing documentation that shows her work on the trial, and asking for corrections.”

Ventavia still contracts extensively with Pfizer.

[Timeline of events and legal filings in Brook Jackson case]

Jackson has been charging Ventavia and Pfizer with, as the latest court document states:

“failure to obtain informed consent; failure to report participant
deaths; and trial data that was fabricated, altered, and hidden from the FDA,”

Kyle Becker writes on October 22, 2022:

“The last shred of hope for holding Big Pharma accountable for fraud now rests on a lawsuit against vaccine manufacturer Pfizer. In an update provided to Becker News, a judge is soon expected to issue his ruling on whether or not the ‘Pfizergate’ fraud case proceeds to trial.

“The judge is deciding, as I type, whether we go to discovery or the case is dismissed,” Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson tells Becker News.” (See: “A Judge is About to Rule on Pfizergate Case to Hold Big Pharma Accountable for Covid Vaccine Fraud”)

One of the defenses articulated by Pfizer and Vantavia is that, since Jackson’s allegations concern only 1500 of 44,000 Phase III trial participants, or 3%, these would not significantly affect the overall outcome of the trials. To which Jackson in her motion of opposition to dismissal says:

“Such blatant fraudulent activity at one testing site should also reasonably raise suspicion over the accuracy of data produced at other sites.”

The website Totality of Evidence (TE,) on October 21, 2022, described the ordeal of Brook Jackson, whose story was published by British Medical Journal (BMJ.)

TE wrote:

“Brook Jackson has over 20 years of experience carrying out clinical trials. In September 2020 she was hired by Ventavia as a Regional Director for clinical trial sites in Texas for Pfizer’s pivotal, Phase III COVID-19 mRNA vaccine trails. Ventavia was contracted by Pfizer.

Brook looked after two trial sites, and she noted many trial irregularities at both sites, such as inadequately trained staff, the falsifying and fabricating of data right in front of her eyes, inappropriate storage of the vaccines and administrators had “no training” or medical certifications, or who provided “very little oversight” during the trials and more.

But the biggest “irregularity” happened on September 14-15, 2020 when Brook says the study coordinator printed out the trial documents revealing which participants received the placebo and which the vaccine. No longer were the study doctors “blind” to the treatment status of each participant, no longer were they unbiased. No longer was this a “double blind, placebo controlled trial”, the doctors now had the means to manipulate the data. They now knew who to PCR test for COVID-19 (the placebo group) and who to not test (the vaccine group) should they be so inclined! The act of unblinding trial participants in the middle of a clinical trail is fraudulent and all that trial data should have been thrown out.

The thousands of unblinded trial participants could have easily changed Pfizer‘s “95%” vaccine efficacy to less than 50%. It would only have taken 152 vaccine treatment participants to not be PCR tested for COVID-19 to bring Pfizer’s efficacy down to zero! The trail doctors could choose who got a COVID-19 PCR test and who didn’t – an absolute flaw in the trial design.”

Interestingly, estimates of COVID vaccine efficacy after 3 to 6 months has now plunged from initial 95% estimates to half that.

The British Medical Journal (BMJ) spoke with Jackson for a piece in November of 2021, “Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial.” In it BMJ related:

“In recent months Jackson has reconnected with several former Ventavia employees who all left or were fired from the company. One of them was one of the officials who had taken part in [a] late September meeting. In a text message sent in June the former official apologised, saying that “everything that you complained about was spot on.””

Further information:

Whistleblower Brook Jackson website, I am Brook Jackson

Children’s Health Defense, “Pfizer Whistleblower Was Directly Involved in COVID Vaccine Clinical Trials, New Documents Prove”


Pfizer Whistleblower Brook Jackson Tells Her Story, Interview with British Medical Journal (view at Rumble)

Read Next:

Huge COVID Vaccine-Injured Rally in Los Angeles Blacked Out by Major Media

Former Chair of Council of Europe Health Committee Says COVID Vaccines “Kill People Intentionally.” Removes Shield from Liability

Above image: Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Summary: Analysis of the CDC’s official Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) data shows that 5% of batches of the COVID vaccines are associated with almost all of the reported deaths, permanent cripplings and other injuries. Top scientists including a former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, and a former Chief Science Officer and VP of Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, say that this cannot possibly be a coincidence.

A doctor and former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a former Chief Science Officer (CSO) and Vice President for Pfizer, Dr. Mike Yeadon, and other doctors and scientists say that CDC death and adverse event data for the Pfizer, Moderna, and J&J COVID injections shows that about 5% of the batches are associated with 90% of the deaths, and are up to 5,000 % more lethal than all the other batches. They agree that extremely strict and precise quality control processes which are standard in the industry make it impossible that this is not deliberate.

Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg said:

““It is not true that there is the same stuff in each shot,” 

In an interview with attorney Reiner Fuellmich, below, widely known for his successful lawsuits against Deutsche Bank and Volkswagon, Dr. Wodarg says:

“Now is the time they can do it because we are afraid…it is worse than Nuremberg…and they kill people…intentionally.”

In 2010 as head of the Council of Europe Health Committee, Dr. Wodarg led an inquiry into the controversial 2009 Swine Flu “pandemic.”

According to life insurance executives, excess mortality in the US has gone up 40% in recent financial quarters, mostly non-COVID deaths, mostly young working-age people. This stunning wave of deaths has been met with deafening silence in the media. Excess mortality is the number of deaths over the expected number of deaths based on the average of the last five years. The number should change little if at all.

One Indiana life insurance company president said that a “one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic…So 40% is just unheard of.” Although excess deaths continue to go up, COVID deaths continue to decline, also indicating large numbers of non-.COVID deaths.

Below: Daily COVID deaths in US between September 2021 and October 2022. Source: Worldometers


[Scientists and Others File Crimes Against Humanity Criminal Complaint Naming Bill Gates, Fauci, Klaus Schwab, Others: Complaint filed by Hannah Rose Law to International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague, ICC Reference #OTP-CR-473/21.]

“Report 9”: The Bill Gates-Funded Paper Which Created the ‘New Normal’ Government Powers in April 2020


Unreported in the media, pathologists in Germany and elsewhere have concluded that the COVID vaccines are directly responsible for large numbers of deaths, based on autopsies. (See: “Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines“)

Dr. Mike Yeadon,  a former Pfizer Chief Science Officer and VP for Pfizer, who later founded the successful biotech company Ziarco, which was acquired by Novartis, says about the ‘poisonous vaccine batch’ findings :

 “if you harboured any residual doubts about whether there is or not a depopulation agenda, this presentation destroys that doubt.”

Typically for anyone calling into question the safety of the COVID vaccines, Dr. Yeadon is described, as he is on Wikipedia, as an “anti-vaccine activist” when he is anything but, and repeatedly reiterates that he and his family have all the standard childhood vaccines. The COVID injections are not actually vaccines, but mRNA genetics agents.

The  CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), described by CDC as an “early warning” system which produces signals indicating problems with vaccine safety, shows that COVID vaccine death reports are now 75 times higher per year for COVID vaccines than for all other vaccines combined, per year, since the system was implemented 30 years ago. Source: MedAlerts.org

VAERS is not intended to prove causation, but it is intended to show cause for alarm.


Read: Yes, the Biden Administration CDC Vote on the Child Vaccination Schedule Does Mean School COVID Shot Mandates


Importantly, attorney Reiner Feullmich stresses to other attorneys that strong evidence that harm is intentional nullifies all shields from liability for vaccine makers.

Below: Former chairman of the Council of Europe Health Committee Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, “they kill people…intentionally,” Dr. Wodarg remarks start at 23 :00 minutes.



Breaking: The Real Anthony Fauci documentary, based on New York Times bestseller book, now out. Watch here free (official site)


Dr. Mike Yeadon said in an interview:

“I am worried that this is the calibration of a killing weapon…I have got no reason to make this stuff up. I’ve never been a conspiracy theorist,”

Dr. Yeadon wrote to his Telegram audience:

“You’ll be aware that one of our assiduous researchers noticed a short while ago that adverse events are not occurring randomly throughout the batches & lots of vaccines made by a given manufacturer.

Instead, it appears that just 5% of the batches / lots are associated with almost all the deaths.

Given the tight requirements of consistency associated with an authorised product, it’s absolutely impossible that this is a chance event.”

Below: Dr. Mike Yeadon, CDC death report patterns resemble “calibration of a killing weapon” (view at Rumble) (view at Bitchute)

“Dose Range Finding”

The following chart shows the number of adverse events in the Pfizer deployment of vaccine batches. The vertical axis is number of adverse events, including deaths. The horizontal axis the chronological deployment of batches, by batch issue date.

Upon examining the data and analysis originally performed by Craig Paardekooper, Dr. Yeadon said that, as a pharmaceuticals scientist, he immediately recognized a process called “dose range finding.” In dose range finding, varying strengths of dosage are administered in order to accurately peg the number of deaths and injuries which can be associated with each dosage level. One of Dr. Yeadon’s specialties at Pfizer was toxicology, which involves these methods.

As can be seen, batch deadliness forms a progressive line sloping downward, as if early batches start out at high dosage strength and then are cut down in a methodical manner. Yeadon, Wodarg, and scientists say this could never happen unless planned this way, since vaccines are supposed to be manufactured to be precisely the same dose across thousands of batches and millions of doses. Any plotting of adverse events across identical batches should show a random “scatter” plot with no discernable pattern.

Below: Reported deaths by batch of COVID mRNA injection, earlier batches first. Click to enlarge image

Statistical “scatter”plot

Dr. Jessica Rose has pointed out that batch issue date does not necessarily correspond to when the batches were actually used. But Dr. James Hill, MD, has rebutted that this does not negate the findings, but is simply a call for further research into the actual timing of the batches’ deployments.

Dr. Hill reported on the findings in his Substack “Vaccine batches vary systematically in toxicity and are distributed to unsuspecting Americans by three companies.”

Dr. Yeadon says that the CDC data shows that the batches were released systematically over time, by all three manufacturers, in an apparent effort to determine the lethality of stronger or weaker doses.

This would allow one to estimate how many deaths can be expected for a particular dosage strength. Assuming massive depopulaton is the goal, too many deaths, too soon, and the world becomes suspicious. The undisputable history of lies promulgated by governments and mainstream media for two years is seen by many as betraying an underlying agenda.

Lies such as:

— The inflation of COVID deaths. That the count would not be honest was as much as admitted by Dr. Deborah Birx, who said early on that anyone who died with COVID, would be counted as having died of COVID, thereby inflating the numbers of true COVID deaths. New COVID deaths are always announced outside of the context that the average age of the victim is about 82, most often with multiple comorbidities. In Minnesota, a team of researchers examined nearly 3,000 COVID death certificates, and found that up to 40% of them improperly listed COVID as the primary cause of death.

— The pandemic being proclaimed deadlier than the Spanish Flu of 1918, as the number of alleged COVID deaths surpassed Spanish Flu deaths. Omitted was the fact that the US population in 1918 was less than one-third of what it is today, making the per capita COVID death rate not even close to the Spanish Flu, a year-and-a-half into the COVID fiasco. Nevertheless the “grisly milestone” was announced in the most alarmist tones possible. Encouragingly, a popular Youtube comment on an MSNBC broadcast starts out: “We learned percents in fourth grade…”

— The use of the PCR tests, incredibly continuing to this day, even after Fauci himself admitted that it “doesn`t measure replication competent virus,” in other words, live virus that can make you or anyone else sick. Nevertheless, based solely on rises in PCR test “cases,” governments still claim unprecedented powers. Fauci said on MSNBC in December 2021:

“PCR doesn`t measure replication competent virus. It measures viral particles, nucleic acid. So in other words, I could be infected, have cleared the replication competent virus from me, but I can continue to be positive with a PCR for several days after recovering and not being transmissible at all….The only way you can tell if it`s transmissible, if you can show that there really is live replication virus in you. And the tests don`t measure that. They measure the presence or absence of the virus. And the virus could be dead, enactive inactive virus that doesn`t transmit.”

Below: COVID has “killed about as many Americans as the 1918-19 Spanish flu”

Fauci: Positive PCR test new case  could be “dead, inactive virus that doesn`t transmit” (view at Youtube, at 6:00 minutes)


Read Also:

Lowest Vaccinated Countries Have Lowest COVID Death Rates.

 “International medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths co-related to the administration of products known as “COVID-19 vaccines” (MedicalCrisisDeclaration.com.)  Over 22,000 signatures total so far.

Prior calls  by doctors and scientist for halt to mass “vaccinations,” partial list: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5.  6.


The number of deaths and adverse events associated with any batch from any of the three manufactures can be found at the website How Bad is My Batch.

Below: Dr. Mike Yeadon Telegram, Telegram Link (click for larger image)

Dr. Yeadon said the findings, which have been replicated and confirmed since the CDC data is public, are “unequivocal evidence of malfeasance.”

In April of this year Dr. Yeadon, in an interview with Lifesite News, said that he had come to the reluctant conclusion that a long series of coordinated, “demonstrable lies” are being put forth by governments, the medical establishment, and the media, which leads him to suspect that a frightening “massive depopulation” agenda may be in progess.

Dr. Yeadon recommended researcher Craig Paardekooper’s presentation of his batch findings, in the video below.

(view at Bitchute)

“Debunks” Fail

Attempted “debunks” of the dose-range-finding, toxic-batch theory quickly devolve into the typical mishmash of sarcasm and ad hominem attacks. A typical one is the Daily Beast’s “The Shady Site That Shows Anti-Vaxxers Will Believe Anything.”

What finally seems to be a substantive paragraph reads:

repeated rigorous analyses show most of the issues recorded in the VAERS database turn out to be unrelated to vaccines—and the bulk of the rest are just minor issues.”

But the links used to show “repeated rigorous analyses” are all from studies published in 2015, which have nothing to do with the astronomical number of current COVID vaccine danger signals, which are not really vaccines, but employ a technology which for the first time tinkers with the body’s genetic machinery.

Neither does the “debunk” address the unmistakable batch-deaths pattern, whether causation can be shown or not. However, in the opinion of numerous pathologists, the injections are the cause of many deaths, although such studies are strenuously censored by Youtube, Facebook, and the major news media (see: “Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines.“)

The writer chosen by Daily Beast to fact-check the assertions of medical doctors and a former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer is Mark Hay, a young New York freelancer with a masters in philosophy.

Mark Hay

Below: Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, Professor emeritus of the University of Mainz, winner of the Aronson Prize for achievements in microbiology and immunology, on how mRNA shots dangerously tinker with genetic machinery. (View in Bitchute)

Anyone Can Find Out How Deadly Their Own Batch Is

Craig Paardekooper has put together the website How Bad is My Batch in which anyone can find their Covid vaccine batch number and see the number of deaths and adverse events associated with it.

Attorney Fuellmich Target of False Accusations

Attorney Feullmich, PhD, was recently accused by a former member of his team of financial improprieties. He reports that the Berlin District Attorney has publicly concluded that there is no reason for an investigation. Dr. Feullmich’s public statement on the matter is here, as well as an interview with Stop World Control explaining more about the situation.

In March of 2022, a French attorney working with Fuellmich, filing international charges of Crimes Against Humanity against some of the most powerful people in the world, was arrested at her home by armed and aggressive French national police, held for days without charges, then released after public outcry.

Reiner Fuellmich website: Corona Investigative Committee

Reiner Fuellmich Law Office

[Complaint filed by Hannah Rose Law to International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague for Crimes Against Humanity, against Boris Johnson, Albert Bourlas, Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab et al, ICC Reference #OTP-CR-473/21.]

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Real Not Rare – The Victims

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Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines

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